SSL-key logging with Wget
Believe you me, up until recently I didn't know this was possible, but on my machine it appears to be regular occurence, after mere $SSLKELOGFILE environment/file setup (as per Wireshark SSL wiki page).
And the most beautiful thing would be if I get Youtube-dl developers to get that program to decrypt the conversations with the various video download big subjects like Youtube, Vimeo (and there's a host of others), which Youtube-dl program, in my machine, does not decrypt regularly with the setup above, as of this time. And so I'll try and request that feature by opening an issue to that effect at:
[ UPDATE!!! I believe the feature is coming!! Have a look, and if there's a vote for features, pls. do cast your vote!:
Write TLS session keys to $SSLKEYLOGFILE #11614
Pls., gentle visitor, see for yourself, by really, analyzing the trace file further below, this is just the accompanying screencast:
The files necessary for this study are listed in: ls-1
dump_170105_1733_g0n.pcap dump_170105_1733_g0n_SSLKEYLOGFILE.txt Screen_170105_1733_g0n.png Screen_170105_1733_g0n.webm
and verify to: ls-1.sum signed by: ls-1.sum.asc