Olimex LIME2 (and compo) delivery by DHL 3

(No. 0)  No. 1  No. 2 ; No. 3 

Not anymore about delivery really, but about a start of successfuly deployment.

Nearly foolproof. Well... nor really, it takes some knowledge to deploy it, but it's not expertize which is required. And these are really good things from Olimex.

the LIPO battery connected

HDMI cable connected, SD card written with with this procedure

USB-hub connected, and keyboard to USB-hub (also mouse later)

on the monitor this screen appears the first time

just to show that it all works (I just have to say: chrome is going away A.S.A.P. Not browsing with the world's top deanonymizer's tool, thank you. This server will likely be used as Tor relay... But might will take way longer time than this deployment...

And maybe while I'm showing these, and if you're coming from my Olimex topic, such as if you read this post, I should show you were that puzzling screw likely came in, and likely also out (I didn't catch that exact moment, I just, a fraction of a second later saw it on the floor. That hole where the HDD attaches to the server, right next to the HDMI jack. It's terribly easy for something so small to fall in there, and to me that felt really only a minor nuissance.

I chose the latest buster from "http://images.olimex.com/release/a20/. In this concrete case, it went like this:

wget http://images.olimex.com/release/a20/A20-OLinuXino-buster-base-20200731-135406.img.7z
wget http://images.olimex.com/release/a20/A20-OLinuXino-buster-base-20200731-135406.img.list
7z x A20-OLinuXino-buster-base-20200731-135406.img.7z
md5sum -c A20-OLinuXino-buster-base-20200731-135406.img.md5

Then with the cheap and really good SD-card reader that I also bought from Olimex, I wrote that image to the card:

dd if=A20-OLinuXino-buster-base-20200731-135406.img bs=1M of=/dev/sdb

Of course, an eventual reader should not take the above command literally. /dev/sdb was where the card reader showed up with SD-card bought from Olimex for this same delivery...

The above JPEG are listed in: ls-1pg3
and verify to these SHA256: ls-1pg3.sum
signed: ls-1pg3.sum.asc
with my public PGP-key).